Tuesday 24 November 2020

ExpORL in the KU Leuven-news: neurosteered hearing aids

ExpORL and ESAT of  KU Leuven are making good progress in the development of neuro-steered hearing aids. In a scenario with multiple speakers, these hearing aids can sense who you are trying to listen to and amplify that speaker specifically. Thanks to research of Tom Francart, Simon Geirnaert and Alexander Bertrand, we are now able to identify the target speaker within 1 second. Read more about these amazing developments in the articles linked below:

English: https://nieuws.kuleuven.be/en/content/2020/which-speaker-are-you-listening-to-new-technique-paves-way-for-hearing-aids-that-use-brainwaves-to-find-out

Dutch: https://nieuws.kuleuven.be/nl/2020/hoorapparaat-van-de-toekomst-luistert-naar-hersengolven

Vtm nieuws also covered this in their news broadcast. That video is included below:

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