Preventive intervention effects in pre-reading children at cognitive risk for dyslexia.
Shauni Van Herck
Thursday, 10 September 2020, 10:00
Online access
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It has been hypothesized that deficits in auditory temporal processing are underlying phonological processing problems in dyslexia. At the same time, envelope enhancement (EE) strategies have shown potential to reduce at least some of these deficits. Interventions for dyslexia are however mostly provided after the most effective intervention period. To overcome this paradox we need to develop preventive interventions. In this research seminar, I will present the results of a preventive intervention in children at cognitive risk for dyslexia at both the behavioral and the neurophysiological level, using an auditory perceptive task and ASSRs.
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In order to comply with current Covid-19 regulations, this research seminar has been converted to a webinar. Only the supervisory committee and the presenting PhD student are allowed to attend the seminar in person, if it is desirable. Thank you for your understanding.