It's all about time: Auditory processing, speech perception, and reading.
Thursday, 18 January 2018, 12h00-14h15
Seminar room of ExpORL
O&N 2, 7th floor, ExpORL
KU Leuven
Herestraat 49
B-3000 Leuven
12h00: Dr. Marie Lallier
How does the sensitivity to rhythm shape the reading brain?
12h30: Prof. Dr. Maaike Vandermosten
Phonemic representations in children with dyslexia: an fMRI-study
12h45: Drs. Tilde Van Hirtum
Speech envelope enhancement as a possible method to improve speech perception abilities in dyslexia
13h00: LUNCH
Sandwiches will be provided.
13h30: Dr. Andrew Dimitrijevic
Cortical correlates of listening effort and lip-reading in adult cochlear implant users
14h00: Drs. Robin Gransier
The relation between neural modulation transmission and speech perception in noise via cochlear implants
Please send an e-mail to before Tuesday, 16 January 2018 (16h00), if you are planning to attend the presentation.