The International Hearing Air Research Conference (IHCON) 2016 took place in Granlibakken, California, USA from August 10 - 14. ExpORL had an important presence with poster presentations by Benjamin Dieudonné, Robin Gransier, Jonas Vanthornhout, Dimitar Borisov Spirov, Arturo Moncada-Torres, Maaike Van Eeckhoutte, and Lien Decruy. Additionally, Sam Denys, Annelies Devesse, and Tom Francart contributed with invited talks. Furthermore, the latter was elected as co-chair for IHCON 2018. Congratulations!!!
This conference was an excellent platform to present our work to the scientific community in different ways. Furthermore, it allowed the discussion, sharing, and exchange of ideas.
Kudos to the organizing committee and a big shout out to all the personnel of Granlibakken Tahoe resort for an amazing conference!Contact information
Benjamin Dieudonné
Robin Gransier
Jonas Vanthornhout
Dimitar Borisov Spirov
Arturo Moncada-Torres
Maaike Van Eeckhoutte
Lien Decruy
Sam Denys
Annelies Devesse
Tom Francart